Empathy & Risk : Three Mirrors & A Wall

February 25, 2016 - April 1, 2016
A solo exhibition, bringing together a series of discrete Empathy & Risk artworks for the first time in London.


The exhibition was curated by Danielle Arnaud and exhibited at Danielle Arnaud Gallery, London

1/1 Mirror III, installed at Danielle Arnaud Gallery

The solo exhibition was staged to consider the relationships between a series of discrete research projects reflecting on empathetic failure.

The following is an extract from the exhibition text:

David Cotterrell presents an ongoing series of visual and verbal installations produced in collaboration with the screenwriter, Ruwanthie de Chickera. Designed to explore, through the use of experimental formats, less than visible or rarely acknowledged truths between individuals, the artworks Mirror and The Wall, together, reflect our current global preoccupations with barriers and the corresponding search for honesty in response to these barriers. Empathy and Risk : Three Mirrors and a Wall attempts to highlight the fragility and transparency of human fear and prejudice; while simultaneously drawing attention to the immense effort required to bring down a barrier, once it has been raised up.